Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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(herald kernel (env tsys))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Yale University nor of any
;;; adaptation thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
;;; without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
;;; Random low level global variables.
(lset *suspended-system* nil)
(lset **reset** nil)
(lset *top-level* nil)
;;; *BREAK-LEVEL* is set to 0 during the evaluation of Z top level
;;; forms. If we happen to incur some sort of error while doing
;;; system initialization the breakloop will start up at level one,
;;; rather than zero.
;++ we could set it up so that it printed the module if *break-level*
;++ is greater than n.
(lset *break-level* 0)
(lset **ret** nil)
(lset *z?* t)
;;; The entry and re-entry into the kernel after boot-strapping.
(define (TOP-LEVEL)
(catch top
(set *break-level* -1)
(set **reset** top)
(define (RESET) (**reset**))
(define (breakpoint . args)
(apply (if *z?* z-breakpoint t-breakpoint) args))
(define (ret . vals)
(apply **ret** vals))
;;; Random low level procedures and objects.
(define-integrable (true . args) (ignore args) '#t)
(define-integrable (false . args) (ignore args) '#f)
(define-integrable (true? x) (if x '#t '#f))
;;; GC-STAMP must be present even if the GC isn't.
(define-integrable (gc-stamp)
(system-global slink/gc-stamp))
(define (increment-gc-stamp)
(set (system-global slink/gc-stamp)
(fx+ (system-global slink/gc-stamp) 1))
(system-global slink/gc-stamp)))
;;; "Reasonableness" predicate. This should cons as little as
;;; possible in order to use it debugging gc. This may become hairier.
(define (reasonable? obj)
(select (descriptor-tag obj)
((tag/fixnum) t)
(or (template-header? obj)
(char? obj)
(nonvalue? obj)
(true-header? obj)))
(points-to-reasonable-memory obj))
(if (points-to-reasonable-memory obj)
(cond ((template? obj) t)
((template? (extend-header obj))
(points-to-reasonable-memory (extend-header obj)))
(fx>= (vector-length obj) 0)))
(define (points-to-reasonable-memory obj)
(let ((first (descriptor->fixnum obj)))
(cond ((and (fx>= first (system-global slink/initial-pure-memory-begin))
(fx< first (system-global slink/initial-pure-memory-end)))
((and (fx>= first (system-global slink/initial-impure-memory-begin))
(fx< first (system-global slink/initial-impure-memory-end)))
((and (fx>= first (system-global slink/area-begin))
(fx< first (system-global slink/area-frontier)))
;; remember the stack is high to low memory, but extends
;; are oriented in the same direction whether on the stack
;; or not.
((and (fx>= first (stack-pointer))
(fx<= first (system-global slink/stack)))
(else nil))))
(define (points-to-initial-impure-memory? obj)
(let ((first (descriptor->fixnum obj)))
(and (fx>= first (system-global slink/initial-impure-memory-begin))
(fx< first (system-global slink/initial-impure-memory-end)))))
;;; repl-wont-print
(define-predicate repl-wont-print?)
(define repl-wont-print
(object nil
((repl-wont-print? self) t)
((identification self) 'repl-wont-print)))
;;; Undefined Value Note: It would be nice if undefined-value closed
;;; over the environment in which it was called. Thus, for example,
;;; being able to print the name of the procedure in which the
;;; undefined value was created. UNDEFINED-EFFECT is handled by
;;; the compiler.
;;; Enforce ;++ move to error?
(define (*enforce type obj)
(catch caller
(if (type obj)
(*enforce type
(error "(~s ~s ~s) failed in ~a"
(or (identification type) type)
(let* ((frame (escape-procedure-frame caller))
(thing (cond ((interpreter-frame? frame)
(interpreter-frame-code frame))
(extend-header frame)))))
(or (get-proc-name thing)
(define (*check-arg predicate expression where)
(if (predicate expression)
(*check-arg predicate
(error "some argument didn't answer true to ~S as expected~
~% (~S ... ~S ...)"
(or (identification predicate) predicate)
(or (identification where) where) expression)
(define value-of-assert (undefined-value 'assert))
(define (assert something)
(cond ((not something)
(error "assertion failed")))
;;; NO-OP prevents compiler optimizations. It must be an unknown
;;; procedure.
(define (no-op x) x)
;;; Modularity wins again.
;;; This is one of the places that having optional arguments be
;;; returned as a list loses, since we can't distinguish between
;;; no argument and '() as an argument.
;++ the arg order has changed from that of t2. Release.
(define (make-simple-switch id type . val)
(let ((s (lambda (new) (set val (check-arg type new id)))))
(if (null? val) (set val (undefined-value id)) (s (car val)))
(object (lambda () val)
((setter self) s)
((identification self) id)
((print-type-string self) "Switch"))))
;;; Low level switches
(define-simple-switch z-system-present? boolean? '#f)
(define-simple-switch gc-present? boolean? '#f)
(define-simple-switch loader-present? boolean? '#f)
(define-simple-switch tables-present? boolean? '#f)
(define-simple-switch file-system-present? boolean? '#f)
(define-simple-switch syntax-present? boolean? '#f)
(define (make-agenda id . agenda)
(object (lambda ()
(do ((l agenda (cdr l)))
((null? l))
((car l))))
((insert self item)
(set agenda (append agenda (list item)))
((delete self item)
(set agenda (delq! item agenda))
((identification self) id)
((print-type-string self) 'agenda)))
;;; Random global procedures
(define (format port fmt . args)
(let ((port (if (eq? port t) (standard-output) port)))
(cond (*z?*
(z-format-aux port fmt args '#t))
(t-format-aux port fmt args (interactive? port))))))
(define (prompt fd fmt . args)
(cond (*z?*
(z-format-aux fd fmt args '#t))
(t-format-aux fd fmt args '#t))))
(define (dbg fmt . args)
(cond (*z?*
(z-format-aux (debug-output) fmt args '#t))
(t-format-aux (debug-output) fmt args '#t))))